Author: Cydklaire Borja
Long View
In an era where pop-up distribution issues are increasingly common, a reliable reseller is invaluable. Obtaining the necessary technology in a timely manner now requires expertise in managing channel-based issues. However, a strong and enduring relationship with your IT reseller can provide your organization with more than just a procurement avenue.
Let us examine license and support renewal management to illustrate some of these benefits:
Your partner will handle issues such as multiple vendor channels, pricing, delivery, and guidance on your behalf. As more channel partners, such as Citrix and Veeam, enable partners to manage their renewal businesses, in addition to technical pre-sales and license delivery support, your partner will possess knowledge of your renewal equal to that of your vendor, but with the added benefit of insights that span the entire IT landscape.
When you maintain a consistent relationship with an IT partner, your contact will know when your specific needs, such as procurement deadlines or approval turnarounds, may conflict with external issues, such as quoting or approval delays caused by vendor restructuring. Your partner will mitigate these delays behind the scenes by initiating your renewal motion early or advocating for extensions on your behalf center stage.
Would you like a snapshot of all your renewals for the year? With a consistent partner, this is certainly possible. Rather than organizing every renewal notification that comes in (often to multiple inboxes), you can plan ahead and request pricing that suits your department's needs. Outstanding partners will even provide quotes for your upcoming renewals without your having to request them.
Anyone listed as a vendor contact understands the deluge of release and update news that can pour in when all you want to know is whether upcoming pricing increases or release news will affect your renewal (or organization) in particular. A consistent partner keeps an eye out for this information and assists in filtering out what you need to know. A partner like Long View Systems can assist you in planning for these changes.
Of course, the advantages outlined extend beyond renewal management, with a direct impact on cost savings and organizational optimization. A consistent partner can be leveraged to help your departments track and navigate delays, budget constraints, and technical requirements. When combined with the knowledge and expertise that an IT reseller partner brings, your organization can focus on driving growth and innovation.
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