Environmental, Social, and Governance Statement

At Long View, we are committed to building a sustainable future for our planet and its people by conducting our business in a manner that embraces environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. We recognize the importance of sustainable practices, social responsibility, and ethical decision-making in creating long-term value for our people, clients, and partners, and contributing to a more sustainable future. Our sustainability mission is to reduce our environmental impact, promote social and governance responsibility through our business practices, products, and services and adhere to transparent business practices through proper governance.

  1. Environmental Responsibility: a) Sustainable Operations: We will continuously strive to minimize our environmental footprint by integrating sustainable practices throughout our organization, including energy efficiency, waste reduction, recycling programs, and responsible resource management. b) Responsible Supply Chain: We will engage with our suppliers and clients to promote environmentally responsible practices including responsible sourcing, waste reduction, and adoption of sustainable technologies.
  2. Social Responsibility: a) Employee well-being: We are committed to maintaining a safe, diverse, and inclusive work environment that promotes the physical and mental well-being of our people. We will prioritize their health and safety and provide opportunities for professional growth and development and ensure equitable pay for all. b) Community Engagement: we will actively engage with the communities in which we operate, supporting local initiatives, and contributing positively to social and economic development. We will encourage volunteering and philanthropic activities.
  3. Governance and Ethics: a) Transparent Business Practices: We will operate with the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all our business dealings. We will comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry best practices. b. Data Privacy and Security: We will ensure the privacy and security of the data entrusted to us by our clients, employees, and other stakeholders. We will adhere to relevant data protection regulations and implement robust security measures. c. Stakeholder Engagement: We will foster open and constructive dialogue with our stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, clients, suppliers, and the communities in which we operate, to understand their concerns and incorporate their perspectives into our decision making.

We aim to create sustainable value for our people, our clients, and our business by promoting a positive impact on society and contribute to the well-being of everyone.

ESG Initiatives

  1. Reduce our Carbon Footprint
    • Promote employee awareness and participation in e-waste recycling initiatives through education and communication campaigns.
    • Establish partnerships with certified e-waste recycling vendors to ensure proper handling and disposal and electronic waste.
    • Encourage the use of video conferencing and other remote collaboration tools to minimize the need for business travel.
    • Implement flexible work arrangements, including remote work options, to reduce the frequency of daily commutes.
  2. Increase Energy Efficiency in Data Center
    • Implement energy efficient infrastructure design and technologies such as server virtualization, optimized cooling systems, and power management tools.
    • Regularly assess and optimize data center operations to minimize energy consumption and waste.
    • Explore opportunities for renewable energy sourcing, such as installing solar panels or purchasing renewable energy credits, to power data centers.
  3. Foster a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace culture
    • Establish a comprehensive diversity and inclusion strategy that encompasses recruitment, retention, and advancement of diverse talent at all levels of the organization.
    • Promote employee support and community engagement in D,E,& I initiatives through employee resource groups and by engaging in community partnerships that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    • Foster an inclusive work environment where all employees feel valued, respected, and have opportunities for growth and development.
    • Offer training and education programs to raise awareness and mitigate bias in decision-making processes, such as recruitment, performance reviews, and promotions.
  4. Achieve pay equity across the company
    • Conduct a comprehensive pay equity analysis to identify any pay gaps within the organization.
    • Develop a plan to address any identified pay disparities, ensuring that compensation is fair and equitable for all employees performing similar roles and responsibilities.
    • Implement transparent and objective compensation practices that consider factors such as skills, experience, performance, and market rates, while eliminating any biases.
  5. Implement transparent hiring practices to promote fairness and equal opportunities for all candidates.
    • Develop clear and consistent job descriptions, requirements, and selection criteria to ensure transparency in the hiring process.
    • Establish guidelines for consistent and unbiased candidate assessments, interviews, and decision-making processes.
    • Provide training and resources to hiring managers and interviewers on inclusive and transparent hiring practices.
  6. Implement responsible AI practices across the company and in all of our practices.
    • We strive that all AI driven initiatives demonstrate fairness, inclusivity, and non-discrimination. We will work to reduce bias in AI and decision-making processes with the goal of achieving equitable outcomes for all users regardless of their background, ethnicity, or gender.
    • We will establish a robust and transparent AI governance framework that adheres to ethical guidelines and industry best practices. This framework will encompass regular AI model audits to identify and address potential biases or ethical concerns, as well as clear lines of accountability for AI-related decisions.
    • We commit to collaborating with external stakeholders, including industry peers, to share knowledge and best practices on responsible AI. We will also prioritize ongoing education and training for our staff, ensuring they are equipped with the latest tools and knowledge to work responsibly with AI.